Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Monmusu Quest! Paradox RPG [Part 1 & 2 ]

Type: Game
Genre: Monster Girl, Reverse Rape, Fighting
Language: Japanese
File Size: 1.6 GB
Monmusu Questis an adventure role-playing game taken place in a fantasy world. You start out as a young, inexperienced, clumsy warrior. Your biggest inspiration is your father, and you try to follow his footsteps to bring justice to the world! Where will this adventure take him? When his journey finally ends, will he have achieved his dream

There is over 150 enemy monsters in the first part of the game alone! All scenes involve reverse rape, pure femdom! If you beat the girls in battle, they end up joining your team. Which is pretty cool. I think you guys will enjoy this game as much as I did. Give it a try!